Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Happiness Project - My Commandments.


So after reading "The Happiness Project", I decided to start my own project and one of the first things I have to work on are the "CharlieCran Commandments" and my "Secrets to Adulthood"

The commandments help to identify the principles that you want to guide your actions and thoughts. 

CharlieCran's Commandments

1. Pray! Worry less, pray more.
2. Be grateful always
3. It's never that serious, lighten up (I'm working on it)
4. Do it now 
5. Be polite. To everyone
6. Learn to say NO
7. Be patient
8. Love more, Love Harder
9. Relax, Have fun
10. Be healthy
11. Plan!!!
12. Read more, Write More. 

I had so much fun coming up with mine that I wanted to get more and more but I figured it might be too much. Lol. How does this tie in with the happiness project? Well, you have to pretty much understand the person you are and figure out what makes you act the way you act. It will all make sense soon.....

For Further Reading Check Out The Author's Blog Here

1 comment:

Chacha said...

Very sound!
*by the way all these verification words (to leave comments) are weird!!*