Monday, July 18, 2011

# 28 The Happiness Project


So I kinda took a break from reading but I'm back now and I'm determined to complete my 100 Books. (I'm so behind)

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. The Happiness Project is the account of the year she spent test-driving studies and theories about how to be happier.

I Love this book. Its very easy to get distracted with day-to-day activities; jobs, kids, marriage, family and so many more that sometimes we forget to have fun and forget to realize what makes us happy...or happier. Some of us wait to have bad things to happen before we realize that we're not happy or we're focusing on the wrong things which is why I love this book. Gretchen isn't waiting for that. She sees that there is more she can and should be doing about her happiness and is working on that.

So am I! I've decided to take on my own version of the project. I'm going to copy a lot of ideas from her book but at the same time make it work to fit me.

Its an interesting read so if you need a book to read, go ahead and pick one up!

Lagos Readers **The Bargain Wordsmith can hook you up!!!**

1 comment:

Chacha said...

Go Happiness Project!
I love the sound of it.