Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Happiness Project - Secrets to Adulthood.


So it's been about 2 weeks since I started my Happiness Project and I'm loving it. I find myself checking myself very often 'be nice', 'did you really need to snap?' Makes me sound a little crazy but I find it works for me.

The Secrets of Adulthood are not essentially a huge part of making myself happy but they are lessons I've learned growing up and I've come (past 2 weeks) to embrace them so I'm not in denial. When I was coming up with these, which I also had fun with by the way, I realized that understanding and accepting these things have made me view situations differently. Some of them.

Secrets to Adulthood.
1. No one really cares!
2. Seriously, Its okay to say No
3. Don't expect too much from people. 
4. Do good, feel good
5. It's important to be nice to everyone
6. If you can't find something, clean up
7. Not everyone is like you
8. Put yourself in other people's shoes
9. No one likes a selfish friend
10. Talk less about people
11. Cook more. It can make you happier
12. Lists work wonders
13. Your 20's are for experimenting!
14. Having a good support system is better than money. Sometimes
15. Exercise if an effective way to snap out of a funk
16. Great thoughts are conceived while walking
17. Never dress for him/her/them. Dress for you.
18. Junk attracts more junk. Spiritually, in friendships and in closets.
19. Do it now! Apply the one-minute rule. Anything that requires less than a minute, do it now
20. Sharing. Easier said than done.
21. Always have a pen
22. Everyone loves a little extra love/attention. Not just on birthdays.  

Done with the lists! Now to move on to my resolutions! 


Anonymous said...

Definitely going to try this Happiness Project

CharlieCran said...

That's great to hear!!! I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to blog about it. Send me your blog too!

Taynement said...

Love. I am stealing it.

Figured I'd leave my mark and prove that I do read your blog :D

Jennifer A. said...

"Not everyone is like you," yes to that. "Great thoughts are conceived while walking," I have to walk more. "DO IT NOW," that's my best.

However, I think there are people who care (response to #1) :)

Chacha said...

Another very sound list! We can all learn something from this.
Thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your engagement!!!
Did you stop blogging? :(