Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hey Bloggers,

Hope all is well! It's been a pretty hectic week and I haven't had time to breathe...until now so I thought I should let you know how the drive went and do I have a story!!!

So here comes Sunday A.K.A D-Day. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the man power we needed for it to work out like planned so we had to change plans. So Plan B is to find a shelter and hope that they let us hand out the donations. Okay so seems like we have a plan. I set out to Wal-Mart cause I had received money to buy more blankets and pillows which I get done in record time (And for Wal-Mart, that's accomplishment I'm proud of). After stopping to get 'cheaper' gas I head to (Shay) our photographer's house to pick her up. We unload the car so we can take pictures and then we reload the car. At this time, I'm excited that we're about to be on our way so we jump into the car, seat belts...Check! Camera... Check! And I proceed to start my car.


My baby won't start! I try again...Nothing! And again...Still nothing. "Okay. Don't panic B..Don't panic" I tell myself and because I'm smart (and my parents told me to) I have jumper cables in my trunk. Perfect! So I'm just gonna get it jumped and we'll be out soon. Just a minor setback..
So we unload the pillows again..*sigh* Hook it up...ZIP! Nothing. Maybe we hooked it up wont..Try again..Zip! Nothing! This is ridiculous because I've never had a problem with my battery. (Took it to the mechanic days wasn't the battery)

I refuse to be bothered by this, so we unload the stuff for the 3rd time and load it up into her truck. Now off to pick my friends Lucy and Vanessa. Interesting way to start the night.

We head out to the first Shelter and of course we got lost. Unfortunately for us, we miss the curfew so we have to leave. Off to another shelter! We find another one; Atlanta Union Mission and across the street are some people sleeping outside. Jackpot. This is exactly what we wanted.

To cut the long story short, the event was a success. We ended up heading to another shelter and dropping off some stuff there as well. Everyone was so grateful and that made us happy.

We ended up at Waffle House and had a wonderful night!

*sigh* Of course you know I had to edit this a little right? :)


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