Saturday, October 31, 2009

Vacation Time!

Hey Bloggers,

How’s the weekend going? Very excited about tomorrow but I’m taking a break from thinking about it so I don’t give myself an anxiety attack! Lol.

So I went to Orlando this summer to spend some time with my sister who was working there for a couple months. It was tons of fun. I had a very hectic 8weeks prior to that and I needed that week off.
Just thought I'd share some pictures...

This is me being a tourist! I love waterfalls... I wish I could have one in my house. My sister was so against me being a tourist, apparently I was embarrassing her! Lol.

My sister the travel guide!

My sister the clown! This was at Disney's Animal Kingdom and for some strange reason it was unbelievably hot! My sis told me it was the hottest park but I didn't believe her, then we got to the park and I was dripping with sweat. This is a fan with water...I have no clue how that worked but it was awesome! I thought it was a funny sight and she stood there for a couple of minutes! Silly! Lol.

I'm really big on scenery and I thought this was really cute. I wish I had a camera with better quality *Working on it* but this is the best my pink 7.2megapixel camera could take!

My sister is gonna hate me for doing this! I was really excited about going to the park and of course she was not so much! Can you tell from her face that she didn't want to take the picture? Lol. Love her!

OKay, last one before I bore you all. Trying to find our way through the streets of Morocco!

Anyways, we went to a couple of countries but there are way too many pictures for me to upload.
Can't wait for another vacation. Till then, I'm on my grind!!!


Friday, October 30, 2009

New Look

Hey Bloggers,

Its Friday!!! It's amazing how time is flying past. I remember my birthday like it was yesterday and all of a sudden it's November! Scary!

If you didn't notice, my blog has a new look! I'm so excited about it. It took me looking through 85 pages of templates, asking friends for me to decide on one! I like this 'cause its simple and a little colorful which I think defines me. Found someone to work on my website and she's amazing! I tweeted about this (Follow me @CharlieCran) she's awesome, she listens and she's creative. Its so refreshing to see things are getting done. She's also helping me with my business cards...Can't wait to see those!

2 days away from the Blanket/Pillow Drive and I'm getting really anxious! I hope all goes well..being the person I am, I've already starting getting antsy but I'm gonna let go and let God and pray that all goes well!

Till then,


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blankets and Pillows Drive

Hey Bloggers,

Still waiting on the pictures from my event so I can share them with you but in the main time, I have something else I'm working on. Its a "Blankets and Pillows" Drive.

Atlanta has been known to experience frigid times during the winter and this year is no exception. While sitting in my car on one of these nights, I complained about the malfunctioning of my vehicle's heater, I then noticed a lady sleeping at the bus stop and wondered what she may be going through. I could visualize her discomfort as she slept in an upright position against a wall.

During Homeless Awareness Week at my school, Kennesaw State University, I participated in sleeping outside for an evening. Due to the freezing temperatures, I gave in during the night and went back to the comforts on my own bed. I could not even make it through the night as a homeless person. I was, and still am, so used to always having a roof over my head, warmth of a duvet and socks! But unfortunately, many people are not afforded this same reassurance.I could go on and on but my point is, even if we cannot eliminate homelessness in America, we can make their situation a little better.I am having a "Blankets and Pillows" Drive and would love for all of you kind-hearted friends to participate. All you have to do is donate either a pillow or a blanket, or both, if you so desire.(Feel free to throw in a pair of socks) It is not much but I am confident that the little things we do for others will be greatly appreciated.

Feel free to inform your friends.

For donations please call Bekky Sowemimo at 678 431 4169 (c) or email at

Acts 20:35 (NIV)
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' "

So yea.. Thats what I'm working on right now. Hopefully our team will take pictures and I can post them for you all to see.

Stay warm!

*If you're Out there - John Legend*